50th Anniversary to Salt Lake City with love. ( For those who value the invaluable.)
As so many such anniversaries are celebrated amidst congratulation and acclaim, but there are some event is celebrated with remembrance expressed in prayer to the effect that such kind of event will not take place again; yet there is another type of anniversaries are kept in order the truth may be told or what really happened is revealed, such as the centenary anniversary of the sinking of the unsinkable Titanic. This took almost 100 years to unravel what actually took place and how Titanic sunk.
To many Indian Chinese, it will be for us to call to our memory what had taken place to our people about 50 years ago. To other of our neighbours they may not even believe what had happened to our community is a reality, never the less the result is the demoralization of our spirit, our sense of lose of our faith in the country of our birth as we were disown by it without any truth or fault of ours.
We can draw a parallel to what happened to our community closely to that event that took place in the United States of America.
After the surprised attack on Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941, in March 24, 1942, a proclamation for imposing the curfew is confer on “ all enemy aliens and all person of Japanese ancestry “ within the military area.
The internment of the all those of Chinese ancestry took place in India, after the breaking out of the India-China border Dispute in November 1942 under the Defense of India Act, 1962 was quite similar to those Japanese Internment after the Pearl Harbour Attack.
The Internment of Japanese is a well-documented event, but the Chinese internment is not so, besides being a hash - hash topic. Somehow to those who had experienced it, they do not want to talk about it.
The reasons may be:
· The sufferings and pains of the occurrence to them was far too painful;
· The hopelessness of having other to understand;
· The fear created is so overwhelming that they do not risk any other unwarranted arrest; or
· They have not hope to receive justice from the Governments;
· Finally, but not the last is so far nobody had supported them in the quest of getting the remittance from the suffering they had borne.
In order to let all the people of good will all around this small earth know and understand the pain and suffering. We shall request you to watch the “ Japanese Internment during WWII " below ( Click on it )
Due to the limited resource we possess, we shall like to use this video and point out the similarity and differences in the following posting. Thanking for you interest !!!
As so many such anniversaries are celebrated amidst congratulation and acclaim, but there are some event is celebrated with remembrance expressed in prayer to the effect that such kind of event will not take place again; yet there is another type of anniversaries are kept in order the truth may be told or what really happened is revealed, such as the centenary anniversary of the sinking of the unsinkable Titanic. This took almost 100 years to unravel what actually took place and how Titanic sunk.
To many Indian Chinese, it will be for us to call to our memory what had taken place to our people about 50 years ago. To other of our neighbours they may not even believe what had happened to our community is a reality, never the less the result is the demoralization of our spirit, our sense of lose of our faith in the country of our birth as we were disown by it without any truth or fault of ours.
We can draw a parallel to what happened to our community closely to that event that took place in the United States of America.
After the surprised attack on Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941, in March 24, 1942, a proclamation for imposing the curfew is confer on “ all enemy aliens and all person of Japanese ancestry “ within the military area.
The internment of the all those of Chinese ancestry took place in India, after the breaking out of the India-China border Dispute in November 1942 under the Defense of India Act, 1962 was quite similar to those Japanese Internment after the Pearl Harbour Attack.
The Internment of Japanese is a well-documented event, but the Chinese internment is not so, besides being a hash - hash topic. Somehow to those who had experienced it, they do not want to talk about it.
The reasons may be:
· The sufferings and pains of the occurrence to them was far too painful;
· The hopelessness of having other to understand;
· The fear created is so overwhelming that they do not risk any other unwarranted arrest; or
· They have not hope to receive justice from the Governments;
· Finally, but not the last is so far nobody had supported them in the quest of getting the remittance from the suffering they had borne.
In order to let all the people of good will all around this small earth know and understand the pain and suffering. We shall request you to watch the “ Japanese Internment during WWII " below ( Click on it )
Due to the limited resource we possess, we shall like to use this video and point out the similarity and differences in the following posting. Thanking for you interest !!!
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